UpComing Events
Holly SPringers Luncheon
Second Tuesday at 11:30AM
The Senior Citizens of Holly Springs enjoy a fellowship luncheon with entertainment on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. Come eat at 11:30am. Sign up in the Welcome Center.
Women's Ministry: Monthly Meeting
2nd Sunday of the Month at 5PM
The Ladies of Holly Springs will be meeting every 2nd Sunday evening of the month, and it is always a great time! No matter what age, come and join as we study God's Word, join in fellowship, and have fun creating whether for ourselves or for others. We hope to see you next month!
Men's Breakfast
Second Saturday at 7:30AM
Join us the 2nd Saturday of each month for a time of faith of fellowship with the Men of Holly Springs.
Glory Gang
The Glory Gang is a non-profit outreach dedicated to helping at risk children, ages 3 to 12. Our ministry provides hope by meeting both tangible and spiritual needs. The weekly Sunday night service is a fast paced, action packed hour filled with fun, music, games, puppets and drama. Glory Gang meets the needs of these children all year long by providing food, clothing, back to school back-packs, shoes, Christmas gifts & stockings, Summer Camp scholarships and Biblical training through the weekly service and Vacation Bible School. Loving members of the Glory Gang staff and volunteers visit hundreds of children and their families across all races and cultures each week through our home visitations.